February 29, 2008

New Project -- "The Plague Doctor"

Well, I've waited a bit to post a link to this website, but here it goes . . .

A project I'm working on that I'm very excited about is The Plague Doctor. Tim has just about finished inking the first page.

Written by me and drawn by Tim Baron, The Plague Doctor is the story of the last healthy man on earth.

Set after World War I, a destructive disease has quickly devastated humanity. Called the Lotus Plague, its victims have only one desire: to consume. To eat. But they also become lethargic, not wanting to actually do anything. And so, they slowly and painfully die.

The Plague Doctor has taken it upon himself to help them. While he searches for a cure, he also helps ease their pain.

And that's where our story picks up.

We're doing this story for Parable, an anthology book coming from Viper Comics this fall. Although if you want to see the Plague Doctor, you're going to have to wait a bit. Plague Doctor appears in Parable II -- Tim's and my contribution to this current Parable volume is a silent story called "The Little Debtor" -- best described as "what if Charlie Chaplin decided to do a silent movie version of 'The Unforgiving Servant' and set it in a bizarre fairy tale kingdom?"

But, Tim and I have created a blog that showcases the Plague Doctor and has a TON of conceptual sketches, to which I have added some text that expands on the world of the Plague Doctor . . .

The Plague Doctor's Sanctuary.

I'll keep you posted on this. If people like it, we plan to take the 20 page story we're doing for Parable and expand on it into a graphic novel.

~ Ben

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