August 10, 2009

HOLY COW!!! Disney concept art for Rapunzel

I was just shown this short slide show from

I have to say, I'm a HUGE fan of looking at concept art. Since I'm a writer and not an artist, this may not seem to make sense, but I do get a lot of inspiration from looking at books of concept art for movies. My favorites are The Art of Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, The Art of the Lord of the Rings, and The Lord of the Rings Sketchbook. It's inspiring, and sometimes kickstarts the old imagination when I'm "blocked".

Anyway, here's some AMAZING concept art from the new animated Disney princess movie, Rapunzel:

Isn't that just gorgeous? I cannot wait to see that on film!

In looking at that, I'm reminded of the original "Disney princess" movies, which were simply sumptuous in their design.

I'd love to see concept art from Sleeping Beauty. I love that movie, although to be honest it's not the most compelling of the Disney movies, it's the most beautifully designed.

Anyway, back to Rapunzel. It looks like a return to form for Disney, in style and tone anyway. Let's see if they are able to make it as compelling a story as well.

~ Ben

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